எங்கள் நிறுவனர் கொள்கை
பாரத் ரத்னா டாக்டர் எம்.ஜி.ஆர் பேச்சு மற்றும் செவித்திறன் குறைபாடுடைய குழந்தைகளுக்கு மறுவாழ்வு அளிப்பதோடு அவர்கள் சமுதாயத்துடன் ஒருங்கிணைந்து வாழ வழிவகுக்கும் வகையில் இம்மையம் அமைய வேண்டும் என்று எண்ணினார். அதனால் இம்மையத்தில் பயன்பெற்றவர்கள் சுதந்திரமான, நிறைவான வாழ்கையை வாழ இயல்கிறது.
வெற்றி பெற்ற மாணவர்கள் :
எங்கள் மாணவர்கள் வெற்றிபெறத் தடையாக உள்ளவற்றைத் தகர்த்து தங்கள் முழுத்திறனையும் வெளிப்படுத்தும் உறுதியையும் நன்கு வழவமைக்கப்பட்ட கல்வியையும் பெற்று முதன்மையாகத் திகழ்வார்கள்.
பல வருட அனுபவம் பெற்ற சிறப்புப்பள்ளி
பள்ளி மதிப்பீடுகள்
செவித்திறன் குறையுடைய மாணவர்களின் கல்விக்கான பள்ளி என்ற சிறந்த மதிப்பீட்டை தொடர்ந்து பெற்று வருகிறது.

The Visionary Behind Our Mission

Bharat Ratna Dr. M.G. Ramachandran’s experiences shaped his deep empathy for those with speech and hearing impairment. He understood the emotional, social, and educational barriers they faced, and he was determined to enable them to overcome these. MGR envisioned a world where children with speech and hearing impairment would not only have access to education but also opportunities to develop their skills, discover their strengths, and contribute meaningfully to society.


Breaking silences and building futures


  • To provide access to quality education for all students with speech and hearing impairment. 
  • To prioritize communication through varied strategies and technology. 
  • To focus on promoting social integration of persons with speech and hearing impairment. 
  • To empower students to be confident and independent.
  • To prioritize students’ unique needs and strengths.
Supporting the education of the Differently-Abled

Janaki amma’s efforts, along with MGR’s philanthropy, ensured the school’s mission to empower differently-abled individuals with access to quality education.

Continuing MGR’s Legacy

Janaki amma visualised that students with special needs could lead fulfilling lives with dignity and independence. Today, the school stands as a testament to this vision.

Janaki Ramachandran's Legacy: Contributions to the Dr. M.G.R. Home for the Speech and Hearing Impaired

As MGR’s partner, Mrs. Janaki was a guiding force behind many of his social initiatives, including education for the underprivileged and care for the differently-abled.

She actively encouraged the allocation of resources to support the school’s activities, including providing education and vocational training for students with speech and hearing impairment.


Mr. M. Rajendran

Mr. M. Rajendran, the executor of MGR’s Will and the Founding Trustee, laid the foundations for Dr. MGR Home and School for the Speech and Hearing Impaired.

Realizing the vision

Dr. Latha Rajendran​

Kalaimamani Dr. Latha Rajendran is the Founding Principal (1990-2014) and Current Director of Dr. MGR Home and Higher Secondary School for the Speech and Hearing Impaired. She is also the Principal of Dr. MGR Institute of Special Education and Research. 

She was formerly the Principal of JRK Matriculation Higher Secondary School between 1984 and 1990.  

She holds a Ph. D in Education, M. Phil (Education), Masters in Human Resource Management, M. A. (Sociology), Diploma in Public Relations. 

She has done a course in Early intervention of the Deaf and hearing impaired from Galaudette University, Washington DC.

She has won the Best Social Worker Award for the Persons who are Differently-Abled in 2018,

and Best Teacher for the Hearing Impaired from the Government of Tamil Nadu in 1996. 


Board of Education

We follow the state board syllabus, ensuring a structured and comprehensive education for our students.

Apart from state board syllabus, to enhance communication and language development in our children, the curriculum includes reading, picture composition, auditory training, speech, story telling, lip reading and rhymes for our kindergarten students

In the Higher Secondary curriculum, we offer three groups: English, Tamil, and Vocational group. Under the English medium, students will study subjects like Economics, Commerce, Computer Application, and Accountancy. In the Tamil medium, students will study Economics, Commerce, Business Maths, and Accounts. The Vocational group includes subjects like Tamil, Typography and Computer Application, Commerce, Accountancy, and Office Management and Secretaryship.

Times Education Icon Award 2023-24

As a recognition for the commitment and collective efforts of the founders, dedicated educators and enthusiastic students, the school was awarded with the prestigious “Times Education Icon Award” by the Times of India for the Academic year 2023-24.

Students' Achievements

Dr. MGR Home and Higher Secondary School for the Speech & Hearing Impaired proudly celebrates our students’ exceptional achievements. These recognitions highlight their creative excellence which reflects the schools’ dedication to empowering students with speech and hearing impairments.

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